FIC Monterrey showed the short films from young filmmakers that participated in the projects from Heartland Alliance, at San Pedro 400 through the Secretaría de Desarrollo Social de San Pedro Garza García,  Cineteca Nuevo León and the Taller Caleidoscopio from the state of Tamaulipas, as part of its efforts to bring the transformative experience of cinema to younger audiences.

Janeth Aguirre, Executive Director of FIC Monterrey, explained that the function of Pantalla Abierta is the result of many efforts with other institution to bring kids and teens a space where they can show the great work they do as filmmakers and to round up the circle with showcasing their films in the cinema.

Heartland Alliance taught a short film workshop in Guadalupe, García, Monterrey and Santa Catarina, and the result was a portrait of their environment.

The youngsters from San Pedro 400 worked with Marcela Dieck, Secretary of Social Development, and showed the short film No todo lo que ves, es lo que es,  where they showed the life of the young people in gangs of the place. At the same time, the films shows how some of them have found way to develop artistically through breakdance.

Caleidoscopio Workshop worked with kids from vulnerable barrios, affected by violence, to make short films, declared Tania Huidobro. Gabriela Martínez, Mexican animator, presented the animated short Un mundo dividido en dos colores. A result of an animation workshop with kids celebrating the fifteen years of Cineteca Nuevo León.

14 short films were screened: No todo lo que ves, es lo que es; Un mundo dividido en dos colores; El niño futbolista; Las cabañas; Los Pescadores; Las mejores amigas; Algo en común; Las prácticas; García; Lección aprendida; No es normal; Rosangela; Reflexiona y Sin medir distancias.