The Monterrey International Film Festival in its showcase Four perspectives: Cinema and  politics in Nuevo León, the documentary El poder de la silla, directed by Diego Osorno, shows the testimony of four former governors of Nuevo León.

The screening at the Centro Cultural Plaza Fátima had the producers Juan Farré and Andrés Clariond Rangel, who answered questions from the audience at the end.

The film deals with questions about the power of governing a state like Nuevo León, their starts and knowing what made them want to dedicate to public service.

Sócrates Rizzo García, Benjamín Clariond Reyes–Retana, Fernando Canales Clariond and Fernando Elizondo, are the cast who through interviews show the mores of the political class with other actors and the today’s society.

When the governors get to power they transform themselves and change from the candidate and are themselves who admit that power can be evil if you don’t have your feet firmly on the ground.

The producers agreed that what they were looking for when they made the documentary was to showcase the human side of those who were in charge of the State, including the former governor José Natividad González Paras, who didn’t participate because he wanted to know the questions beforehand, something that wasn’t agreed because the answers had to be at the spur of the moment. “ We started because we saw that anyone without a great political career can end up in power, we said ‘Let’s look for the last governors and asked them questions they haven’t answered with the media, more intimate’, like for example what does it feel to have a group of people who are constantly praising you and what does it feel like when you lose power”, said Clariond Rangel.